Finding Time to Exercise as a New Mom

After having a baby, it can be difficult to get back to working out. However, even just a small amount of exercise postpartum can help improve both your physical and mental well-being. The struggle may be just in finding time to exercise. For many new moms, even thinking about finding time to exercise seems less important than caring for your growing family or getting just a little more sleep. However, there are many health benefits to be gained from postpartum exercise. It can help relieve stress, boost energy, strengthen your core, and promote better sleep.

Postpartum Exercise

It’s best not to begin a new exercise regime as a new mom until after you’ve been cleared at a postpartum checkup. A healthcare professional should give you the go-ahead to begin working out again. The good thing is that even short bits of exercise can help energize and refresh you. The CDC suggests postpartum women should get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week. The trick is to get started and find something that works for you. It can be very difficult to even consider getting back to working out with 4 AM feedings and your baby’s unpredictable sleep patterns. That’s why we compiled these tips to help you creatively fit some physical activity into your lifestyle and schedule.

Mom-and-Baby Workouts

Whether you are a brand new mom or your newborn is one of many, you are probably learning the value of multitasking. It’s possible to multitask and increase activity. Many local gyms have “mommy and me” exercise classes designed for moms with babies. If you have a stroller, you can take a quick lap around your neighborhood. You will be spending time with your baby and getting a workout in. Now that is multitasking at its finest! Here are a few tips to get you started.

  • Stroller Magic. Using a stroller is a great way to get you and your baby outdoors for some beneficial sunshine and fresh air. Once your baby is 6 months of age, you may even choose a jogging stroller to allow you to pick up the pace. Make sure to wrap your baby in a Little Biscuit blanket and a onesie to keep them warm if it is cooler outside.
  • Even if you don’t have a stroller, you can head out for a walk with your baby in a baby sling or baby carrier. Once they get a bit bigger, a backpack carrier may be suitable.
  • Local Health Clubs. Check your area for local gyms, yoga studios, or health clubs. Many of them offer exercise classes designed for postpartum moms. If they do not have a postpartum exercise class, choose a low-impact class that provides a nice warmup and lots of stretching and toning. Some local fitness clubs offer mom-and-baby stroller programs.

Find Postpartum Exercise Programs to Do at Home

There are tons of streaming workout apps and videos available today. These make it easy to exercise at home. This can be very beneficial when your baby is little and as you are just getting started moving again. A simple search for “postpartum exercise” should yield many results. Here are a few tips for getting moving at home.

  • Home Workout Equipment. You may want to invest in some home exercise equipment. This allows you to work out while your baby is napping or occupied. If you can afford a treadmill or a stationary bike, that’s great. However, you don’t have to spend that much money to get started. Invest in a few simple things like some free weights, a step exerciser, or a jump rope. Any of these will help you get moving again.
  • If you are on a tight budget, there are plenty of online exercise videos available for free. You can also download exercise apps to your smartphone. There is a little bit of everything out there; choose something that you know will work for you, whether that is meditation, yoga, or aerobics.

Schedule Exercise Time

You are more likely to be successful at getting back to exercising if you plan ahead. Scheduling your exercise doesn’t have to be involved or complicated. Here are a few ideas.

  • Helpful Partners. Perhaps your spouse, partner, or another caregiver can be scheduled to watch the baby for 30 minutes so you can get a quick walk in.
  • Get Up Early. Whether you are a stay-at-home mom or are already back at work after maternity leave, you can get up an hour before everyone else. This gives you time to get in a workout before the day gets too busy, whether you workout at home or the gym.
  • Work Breaks. If you get up and go to work, take along your sneakers and a change of clothes and get a quick workout in during lunch break. Even if you are working from home, you can do the same.


At Little Biscuits, we get you! We know it can be difficult to get moving again postpartum. However, it’s an important part of self-care and ensuring that you are healthy enough to take care of your family. You are important!